Blackpool and Fleetwood Tram Road

Owner Blackpool and Fleetwood Tram Road Company
Opened 14th July 1898 (electric)
Operator Blackpool and Fleetwood Tram Road Company
Took over (lease) 29th September 1898 (Blackpool Corporation) - one mile of newly built, corporation-owned track from Gynn Square to Talbot Rd Station
Taken over 1st January 1920 (Blackpool Corporation)
Length 8.21 miles
Gauge 4ft 8½ins

Button description
Title (‘BLACKPOOL & FLEETWOOD TRAM ROAD CO COY’) within a border, surrounding a monogram of interwoven initials: 'BFTRC'
Materials known Silver plated nickel?
Button Line reference [113/18]

Comment All buttons known are of two-piece, open-backed construction.