Blackpool, St Annes and Lytham Tramways

Owner Blackpool, St Annes and Lytham Tramways Company
Opened 11th July 1896 (gas), including 1.25 miles of newly built track owned by Blackpool Corporation
Operator (lessee) Gas Traction Company Ltd (drivers only)
Lease transferred 13th July 1896 or shortly thereafter (to the newly formed British Gas Traction Company Ltd)
Operator (lessee) British Gas Traction Company Ltd (drivers only)
Taken over (BSTALTCo) October 1898 (Blackpool, St Anne's and Lytham Tramways Company Ltd - a newly registered public company)
Took over (operation) 1899 (from the ailing British Gas Traction Company Ltd)
Operator Blackpool, St Annes and Lytham Tramways Company Ltd
First horse service 13th April 1900
Last horse service May? 1901
Last gas service 27th January 1903 (closed for reconstruction)
First electric service 30th May 1903
End of lease 26th July 1917 - Blackpool Corporation's Lytham Rd South line, though operation continued under a through-running agreement
Taken over (tramway) 1st November 1920 (St Annes-on-the-Sea Urban District Council)
Length 7.51 miles (6.26 miles owned by the company and 1.25 miles leased from Blackpool Corporation)
Gauge 4ft 8½ins

Button description
Title (‘THE BLACKPOOL ST ANNES & LYTHAM TRAMWYS CO LTD) within a raised rim, surrounding three shields, representing the three towns in the company’s title.
Materials known Nickel
Button Line reference [113/9]

The three shields on the button are - clockwise from the top - the arms of Blackpool, Lytham and St Annes.