Dublin United Tramways Company
Owner Dublin United Tramways Company
Amalgamation 1st July 1881 (Dublin Tramways Company [horse]; North Dublin Street Tramways Company [horse]; Dublin Central Tramways Company [horse])
Operator Dublin United Tramways Company
Company reformed 28th September 1896 (to form the Dublin United Tramways Company [1896] Limited)
Took over 22nd July 1896 (Dublin Southern District Tramway Company [electric] - through purchase of a controlling interest
Company renamed 28th September 1896 Dublin United Tramways Company (1896) Limited, effectively a restructuring of the old company
First electric route 11th November 1897 (excluding the DSDT line, which had already been electrified)
Last horse service 13th January 1901
Took over (staffing) February(?) 1902 (Clontarf and Hill of Howth Tramroad Company )
Took over (operation) 1st January 1907 (Clontarf and Hill of Howth Tramroad Company)
Took over 7th July 1927 (defunct Dublin and Lucan Electric Railway)
Name changed March 1941 (to Dublin United Transport Company)
Relinquished lease 29th March 1941 (Clontarf and Hill of Howth Tramroad Company) with resultant closure of the line
Amalgamated 1st January 1945 (with Great Southern Railways) to form Córas Iompair Éireann
Operator CIE Dublin City Services
Closed 9th July 1949 (official date, but last tram did not return to the depot until early the following morning)
Length 61.15 miles
Gauge 5ft 3ins / 5ft 2¼ins
Button description (Pattern 1) Script initials, ‘DUT’, within a scalloped rim.
Materials known Nickel; brass; chrome
Button Line reference [113/26]
Button description (Pattern 2; Variant 1) CIE device surrounded by the title ('CORAS IOMPAIR EIREANN'), all within a scalloped rim
Materials known Brass; nickel
Button Line reference [None]
Button description (Pattern 2; Variant 2) CIE device within a scalloped rim
Materials known Brass
Button Line reference [None]
Button description (Pattern 3) CIE initials within a segmented circle
Materials known Chrome
Button Line reference [None]
Comment The DUTCo only issued uniforms from around 1896 onwards, both to its electric and horse car crews, though seemingly only to conductors for the latter (see link). Following the DUTCo's merger in 1945, tramcar staff were issued with CIE uniforms; although the larger buttons bore the full title, the smaller buttons did not, probably due to space constraints. The CIE issued the Pattern 3 button from 1964 onwards; it was therefore, never used on tramway uniforms.