Guernsey Tramways (Guernesy Railway Company)

Owner Guernsey Steam Tramway Company
6th June 1879 (steam)
Operator Guernsey Steam Tramway Company
Services suspended 5th January 1889
Taken over 8th August 1889 (Guernsey Railway Company)
Services restarted 2nd December 1889
First electric route 20th February 1892
Operator (lessee) Siemens Brothers and Company Ltd
Took over (operation) 4th April 1893
Closed 9th June 1934
Length 2.81 miles
Gauge 4ft 8½ins

Button description Plain with scalloped rim
Materials known Brass; nickel; chrome
Button Line reference [None]

Comment Surviving photographs suggest that uniform buttons were plain with a scalloped rim; however, given that studio portraits could not be located, there remains a possibility that they could have been plain with a raised rim.