London Street Tramways Company

Owner London Street Tramways Company
27th November 1871 (horse)
Operator London Street Tramways Company
Taken over (tracks) 1st August 1895 (London County Council) - lines within the LCC area available for purchase under the '21 years' clause of the Tramways Act of 1870
Operator (lessee) London Street Tramways Company
Taken over (track)
13th October 1897 (London County Council) - all remaining company-owned lines
Taken over
13th October 1897 (North Metropolitan Tramways Company) - infrastructure and equipment
Operator (lessee) North Metropolitan Tramways Company
Length 13.45 miles
Gauge 4ft 8½ins

Button description Uniforms probably not worn

LSTCo horsecar drivers were not issued with uniforms (see link), and it is currently unclear whether conductors were treated likewise. Although there remains a possibility that uniforms were issued to conductors, no buttons have ever come to light, so it seems more than likely that marked buttons never existed.