Keighley Corporation Tramways

Owner Keighley Corporation
Took over (track) 25th November 1896 (Keighley Tramways Company [horse - 4ft])
Operator (lessee) Keighley Tramways Company Ltd
Took over 15th January 1901 - KTCo's remaining tramway assets
Operator (contractor) Keighley Tramways Company Ltd
Took over (operation) 21st September 1901
Last horse service 28th May 1904
First electric route 12th October 1904
Closed 17th December 1924 (the first local authority to close its system)
Length 3.44 miles
Gauge 4ft 8½ins

Button description Title (‘KEIGHLEY CORPORATION TRAMWAYS’) within a raised rim, surrounding the municipal arms (a shield with three stags heads) with a dragon's head crest, all above the motto: 'BY WORTH'
Materials used Brass; nickel
Button Line reference [113/36]

Comment The municipal tramway undertaking was always referred as 'Keighley Corporation Tramways', trolleybuses continuing to carry this legend well after the demise of the tramway. Tramcar staff uniforms therefore only ever carried 'Keighley Corporation Tramways' buttons.