Exeter Corporation Tramways

Owner Exeter Corporation
Took over 1st February 1904 (Exeter Tramways [horse] - owned by tFrederick Burt and Company)
Operator Exeter Corporation
Last horse service 4th April 1905
First electric service 4th April 1905
Closed 19th August 1931
Length 4.95 miles
Gauge 3ft 6ins

Button description Title ('EXETER CORPORATION TRAMWAYS') within a raised rim, surrounding the municipal arms (a shield bearing a three-towered castle) with a lion crest and pegasus supporters, all above the motto: 'SEMPER FIDELIS'
Materials known Brass; chrome
Button Line reference [None]

The motto allegedly comes from none other than Queen Elizabeth I and is a reference to Exeter's financial support for the English Fleet of 1588 (the year of the Spanish Armada).

The municipal transport undertaking was only renamed to 'Exeter Corporation Transport' after the demise of the tramway, so tramway employees would probably only ever have worn uniforms bearing 'Exeter Corporation Tramways' buttons.